Saturday, July 21, 2012

Scientists confirm that fasting improves health

Ahadith mention that Fast Improves Health
Hadith #1:
The Noble Prophet(Peace be upon him)has said,’ Fast; you will get healthy.’ ►(Ad-Dur-rul-Manšur, pp. 440, vol. 1)

Hadith #2:
Sayyiduna ‘Ali (Radiyallahu Anhu) narrates that the Prophet (peace be upon him)  said, ‘Allah sent arevelation to one of the Prophets of Bani Israil commanding him to inform his Ummah that if anyone fasts a day for My pleasure, I will grant him good health and reward him greatly.’ ►(Shu’ab-ul-Iman, pp. 412,vol. 3,  adiš 3923)

Modern day scientific studies have shown that fasting reduces heart and diabetes risk,improves good cholestrol levels and brings down bad cholesterol levels,can help protect against brain diseases and is also proven to weaken cancer.

Scientific experiments on fasting :::
Fasting reduces heart risk
"People who fast seem to receive a heart-protective benefit, and this appeared to also hold true in non-LDS people who fast as part of a health-conscious lifestyle," said Benjamin D. Horne, Ph.D., M.P.H., study author and director of cardiovascular and genetic epidemiology at Intermountain Medical Center and adjunct assistant professor of biomedical informatics at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.
According to the study,those who fasted were significantly less likely to be diagnosed with coronary artery disease (CAD)  (59 percent had 70 percent or greater blockage) than those who did not fast (67 percent had 70 percent or greater blockage).
"Fasting was the strongest predictor of lower heart disease risk in the people we surveyed. About 8 percent of the people who fasted did not express an Later Day Saints(those who fasted) religious preference, and they also had less coronary disease," Horne said.

Fasting reduces Bad Cholstrol and increases good cholestrol risk

At the same meeting, the team looked at blood markers for heart risks among people who had not previously fasted over 12 hours. The blood markers were checked when they fasted and during a normal eating day. The fast was a water-only fast, and participants were allowed to take any necessary medication.
The participants’ "good" cholesterol rose during the fast. Their “bad”cholesterol levels and their total cholesterol levels also increased, which is not considered favorable.
During the fast, participants also saw reductions in levels of dangerous blood fats called triglycerides and blood sugar or glucose levels.
“Your body goes into self-protection mode to preserve the integrity of cells and tissue until food starts coming in again, so it uses fats instead of glucose for fuel,” Horne says.
The increase in total cholesterol may just be transient.
“It appears that the total cholesterol has gone up because the liver is not processing as much cholesterol and instead it is being dumped into the bloodstream to be used as fuel,” he says.
Mice study shows fasting weakens cancer
ECancer in animals appears less resilient and chemotherapy drugs work better when combined with cycles of short, severe fasting, shows a University of Southern California study. Even fasting on its own effectively treated a majority of cancers tested in animals, including cancers from human cells. The study in Science Translational Medicine, part of the Science family of journals, found that five out of eight cancer types in mice responded to fasting alone: Just as with chemotherapy, fasting slowed the growth and spread of tumors.
Fasting can help protect against brain diseases
Fasting for regular periods could help protect the brain against degenerative illnesses, according to US scientists.
Researchers at the National Institute on Ageing in Baltimore said they had found evidence which shows that periods of stopping virtually all food intake for one or two days a week could protect the brain against some of the worst effects of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other ailments.
"Reducing your calorie intake could help your brain, but doing so by cutting your intake of food is not likely to be the best method of triggering this protection. It is likely to be better to go on intermittent bouts of fasting, in which you eat hardly anything at all, and then have periods when you eat as much as you want," said Professor Mark Mattson, head of the institute's laboratory of neurosciences.
Excessive Eating Causes Illnesses and not fasting
Some people fall ill in Ramdan and think that fasting caused them to fall ill.But in reality Fast does not cause any illness at all; In fact,people fall ill in Ramadan in consequence of eating oily and fried things at the time of Sahari and Iftaar.

Further, many people eat and drink different things every now and then at night. This causes people to fall ill.

Therefore, one should avoid excessive eating in Ramadan to stay healthy.

Taken from Book 42 Blessings of Ramdhan by Maulana Ilyas Qadri  and other websites

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Al-Isra Wal-Miraj and Theory of Relativity

What is theory of relativity?
Einstein proved that Matter,Energy,Space and Time are interlinked by a special relation.He stated that the position of a body influences time. According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, time slows down under the effect of gravity. Accordingly, the passengers on a plane flying somewhere with lower gravity will age by a few extra nanoseconds on every trip.Stephen Hawking and many other scientists supported the thoery of relativity of time.
Einstein and Hawking’s theory that time passes more slowly near centers of gravity has been proved by experiments conducted by American scientists. A rocket at high altitude and two separate sites with different gravitational fields were selected for the first experiment. Two very sensitive atomic clocks, capable of measuring atomic vibrations were installed in these two locations, which had different gravitational fields because of their different altitudes, and the relative nature of time was confirmed. The scope of the experiment has today been increased and relativity has been observed in daily life. Two atomic clocks hundreds of times more sensitive than the original ones were used for this experiment. But it was not the two sensitive atomic clocks that distinguished this experiment from the earlier one. The difference in elevation between the two clocks was a mere 33 cm.
According to the results of the experiment, published in the American magazine Science on 24 September, being 33 cm higher, in other words two steps higher, causes time to pass faster because pressure is slightly reduced, and someone standing above these two steps ages slightly faster. However, since Almighty Allah has not created this phenomenon in such a way as to eliminate the need for free will, the difference is only one 90 billionth of a second in a life span of 97 years, and is therefore imperceptible to anyone.
. Einstein's theory of Relativity: there is no absolute time. Time is a function of the movement of planets. No interval of time is independent of the system to which it is referred. A clock attached to any moving system runs at a different time from a stationary clock
Einstein came up with an example to show the effects of time dilation that he called the "twin paradox." 
Let's try it out with a pair of pretend twins, Al and Bert, both of whom are 10 years old in their highly futuristic universe.
Al's parents decide to send him to summer camp in the Alpha-3 star system, which is 25 light-years away (a light-year is the distance light travels in a year). Bert doesn't want to go and stays home on Earth. So Al sets out on his own. Wanting him to get there as quickly as possible, his parents pay extra and send him at 99.99 percent the speed of light.
The trip to the star and back takes 50 years. What happens when Al returns? His twin brother is now 60 years old, but Al is only 10 and a half. How can this be? Al was away for 50 years but only aged by half a year. Has Al just discovered the fountain of youth?
Not at all. Al's trip into space lasted only a half year for him, but on Earth 50 years passed. Does this mean that Al can live forever? Nope. He may have aged by only half a year in the time it took 50 years to pass on Earth, but he also only lived half a year. And since time can slow down but never goes backwards, there's no way he could grow younger.
The renowned physicist Stephen Hawking describes this using the example of twins:
“Consider a pair of twins. Suppose that one twin goes to live on top of a mountain while the other stays at sea level. The first twin would age faster than the second. Thus, if they met again, one would be older than the other. (Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time, p.54)
The conclusion from these scientific findings summarized very briefly here is that the fact that time is a perception has been confirmed. This fact was also revealed hundreds of years ago in the Qur’an. The relevant verses read:
 “And they ask you to and Allah shall never fail in His promise, and undoubtedly, there is with your Lord such aday like a thousand years in your reckoning.  {Surat al-Hajj Chapter 22 : Verse 47}

He plans and executes (the Command and Control System) from the heavens to the earth. Then His Command ascends (and will ascend to completion) towards Him in one Day which measures one thousand years according to (the number) that you count.  {Surat as-Sajda Chapter 32 :Verse 5}

The angels and ar-Ruh al-Amin (the Spirit) rise towards His (Throne) in a day which measures fifty thousand years (according to the worldly scale). {Surat al-Ma’arij Chapter 70 : Verse 4}
The scientific experiments in question prove that we can never know how or even if time passes. That, in turn, shows that time has no absolute reality, that it is simply a perception. This fact, corroborated by modern science, that time is simply a psychological perception and that it can be perceived differently depending on events, location and prevailing conditions, is revealed thus in the Qur’an:
“On the Day He calls you, you will respond by praising Him and think that you have only tarried a very short time.” ►{Surat al-Isra’ Chapter 17 : Verse 52}
Almighty Allah states in the Qur’an:
Holy (free of any imperfection, weakness and insufficiency) is He Who took His (most beloved and intimate) Servant in a small portion of a night from the Sacred Mosque to the al-Aqsa Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed, in order that We might show him (the Perfect Servant) Our Signs. Surely He is the One Who is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. ►{Surah Al-Isra Chapter 17 : Verse 1}
 As such, there is scholarly consensus (ijma) Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) journeyed in body and soul the night of al-Isra' from Masjid al-Haram in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsain Jerusalem.
According to Special Theory of Relativity-- if a body travels with the velocity of light then Time Dilation and Relativity of Simultaneity occurs.Time dilation is an actual difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers either moving relative to each other or differently situated from gravitational masses.
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was riding on the Buraq, and the speed (velocity) of the Buraq was similar or more than the speed (velocity) of light. Therefore, now we can easily understand that Time Dilation occurred during the Event of Miraj.
Therefore, time seemed to stop or a very short duration of time passed as mentioned in the Qur'an. (Allah and His Prophet(peace be upon him)  know  best)
Please watch this speech:    

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cloud Formation mentioned in the Qur'an

Cloud Formation mentioned in the Qur'an

How rain was formed remained a great mystery for quite some time. Only after the weather radar was invented was it possible to discover the stages by which rain is formed.

According to this discovery, the formation of rain takes place in three stages. First, the "raw material" of rain rises up into the air with the wind. Later, clouds are formed, and finally raindrops appear.

Allah is the One Who sends the winds and they raise the clouds. Then He spreads this (cloud) in the atmosphere in the sky as He likes. Then He breaks it up into (various) pieces (layer upon layer). Then you see the rain pouring down from its midst. Then, when He sends it to those of His servants whom He pleases, they become instantly cheerful,
{Surah Rum Chapter 30 :Verse 48}

Scientists have studied cloud types and have realized that rain clouds are formed and shaped according to definite systems and certain steps connected with certain types of wind and clouds.

Let us examine these three stages outlined in the verse in more detail.

FIRST STAGE: "It is Allah Who sends the winds..."

Countless air bubbles formed by the foaming of the oceans continuously burst and cause water particles to be ejected towards the sky. These particles, which are rich in salt, are then carried away by winds and rise upward in the atmosphere. These particles, which are called aerosols, function as water traps, and form cloud drops by collecting around the water vapour themselves, which rises from the seas as tiny droplets.

SECOND STAGE: ".... which stir up clouds which He spreads about the sky however He wills. He forms them into dark clumps..."

The clouds are formed from water vapour that condenses around the salt crystals or dust particles in the air. Because the water droplets in these clouds are very small (with a diameter between 0.01 and 0.02 mm), the clouds are suspended in the air, and spread across the sky. Thus, the sky is covered in clouds.

THIRD STAGE: "…and you see the rain come pouring out from the middle of them"

The water particles that surround salt crystals and dust particles thicken and form raindrops, so, drops that become heavier than the air leave the clouds and start to fall to the ground as rain.

As already discussed, every stage in the formation of rain is related in the verses of the Qur'an. Furthermore, these stages are explained in exactly the right sequence. Just as with many other natural phenomena on the Earth, Allah gave the most correct explanation of this phenomenon, and made it known in the Qur'an centuries before it was discovered.

Al Jaziri’s Mechnical marvels which revolutionized engineering

Al Jaziri’s Mechnical marvels which revolutionized engineering

Badi’al-Zaman Abū al-’Izz Ismā’īl ibn al-Razāz al-Jazarī (1136–1206 C.E.) (Arabic:, Kurdish: Ebûlizê Cizîrî) was an Arab Muslim polymath: a
scholar, inventor, mechanical engineer, craftsman, artist, and mathematician from Jazirat ibn Umar (current Cizre), who lived during 
the Islamic Golden Age (Middle Ages). He is best known for writing the al-Jāmiʿ bain al-ʿilm wa al-ʿamal al-nāfi fī ināat al-iyal (The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices) in 1206, where he described
fifty mechanical devices along with instructions on how to construct them.
Like his father before him, he served as chief engineer at the Artuklu Palace, the residence of the Mardin branch of the Turkish Artuqid dynasty which ruled across eastern Anatolia as vassals of the Zangid
rulers of Mosul and later Ayyubid general Saladin.[10] He was born in the Kurdish city of Tor, now located in the district of Cizre in south-Eastern Turkey.
al-Jazari was part of a tradition of craftsmen and was thus more of a practical engineer than an inventor who appears to have been “more interested in the craftsmanship necessary to construct the devices than
in the technology which lay behind them” and his machines were usually “assembled by trial and error rather than by theoretical calculation.”
His Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices appears to have been quite popular as it appears in a large number of manuscript copies, and as he explains repeatedly, he only describes devices he has built
himself. According to Mayr, the book’s style resembles that of a modern “do-it-yourself” book.
The most significant aspect of al-Jazari’s machines are the mechanisms, components, ideas, methods, and design features which they employ.
The Elephant Clock was a medieval invention by Master Engineer Al-Jazari (1136-1206), consisting of a weight powered water clock in the form of an elephant.
The various elements of the clock are in the housing on top of the elephant. They were designed to move and make a sound each half hour.
The Elephant Water Clock is an iconic example of one of al-Jazari’s pieces of fine technology. In addition to telling the time, it celebrates the universality of Islam by incorporating elements from
Spain, Phoenicia, Egypt, Iraq, India and China.
A modern full-size working reproduction, produced by the Foundation for Science, Technology and Civilisation (FSTC) can be found in the Ibn
Battuta Mall, in Dubai (UAE).
Another working reproduction can be seen outside the Musée d’Horlogerie du Locle, Château des Monts, in Le Locle, Switzerland.
In addition to its mechanical innovations, the clock itself is seen as an early example of multiculturalism represented in technology. The elephant represents the Indian and African cultures, the dragon
represents Chinese culture, the phoenix represents ancient Egyptian culture, the water work represents ancient Greek culture, and the turban represents Muslim cultures.

One of the many robots or automatons that al-Jazari made for the Kings of Diyarbakr was the ‘Robotic Man’. This robot, which is modeled on a 12-year old boy, provides water, a towel and a comb for the King during
his ablutions.
The Castle Clock is another example of one of al-Jazari’s famous Water Clocks. In this Clock, a ball drops from the falcons’ beaks into the vases, small doors open and close, a moon moves across the face of the Clock, and the musicians play their instruments every hour. The mechanism can be seen on the back of the Clock.
This dynamic scale model display depicts five famous water-raising devices made by Muslim engineers. These devices include al-Jazari’s
Reciprocating Pump, One-Scoop Pump, Chain-of-Pots and Four-Scoop Pump, and Taqi al-Din’s Six-Cylinder Pump.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Muslim Inventions that shaped Modern Day World #1 Camera

v  Muslim Inventions that shaped Modern Day World #1 Camera

 The ancient Greeks thought our eyes emitted rays, like a laser, which enabled us to see. The first person to realise that light enters the eye, rather than leaving it, was the 10th-century Muslim mathematician, astronomer and physicist Ibn al-Haitham. He invented the first pin-hole camera after noticing the way light came through a hole in window shutters. The smaller the hole, the better the picture, he worked out, and set up the first Camera Obscura (from the Arab word qamara for a dark or private room). This idea laid the foundation of the present day Camera.

(965 in Basra - c. 1039 in Cairo ) 
Known in the West as Alhazen, Alhacen, or Alhazeni, Ibn al-Haytham was the first person to test hypotheses with verifiable experiments, developing the scientific method more than 200 years before European scholars learned of it—by reading his books.
He was also nicknamed Ptolemaeus Secundus ("Ptolemy the Second").
Ibn al-Haytham is regarded as the father of modern opticsfor his influential Book of Optics (Kitâb al-Manâzir ).

Like many eminent philosophers and mathematicians, Ibn Al-Haytham was a keen observer. While in a room one day he noticed light coming through a small hole made in the window shutters. It fell onto the wall opposite and it was the half-moon shape of the sun’s image during eclipses. He said: ‘The image of the sun at the time of the eclipse, unless it is total, demonstrates that when its light passes through a narrow, round hole and is cast on a place opposite to the hole it takes on the form of a moon-sickle.’

From his experiments, he explained that light travelled in a straight line and when the rays were reflected off a bright subject they passed through the small hole and did not scatter but crossed and reformed as an upside-down image on a flat white surface parallel to the hole. He then established that the smaller the hole, the clearer the picture.

His experimental conclusions were that when the sunlight reached and penetrated the hole, it made a conic shape at the meeting point with the pinhole, and later formed another conic shape in reverse to the first one on the opposite wall in the dark room.

‘Light issues in all directions opposite any body that is illuminated with any light [and of course, also opposite any self-luminous body]. Therefore when the eye is opposite a visible object and the object is illuminated with light of any sort, light comes to the surface of the eye from the light of the visible object.’ (10th-century Ibn al-Haytham from his ‘Book of Optics)

Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) wrote about naturally-occurring rudimentary pinhole cameras.

For example, light may travel through the slits of wicker baskets or the crossing of tree leaves.[1] (The circular dapples on a forest floor, actually pinhole images of the sun, can be seen to have a bite taken out of them during partial solar eclipses opposite to the position of the moon's actual occultation of the sun because of the inverting effect of pinhole lenses.)
Alhaitham published this idea in the "Book of Optics" in 1021 AD. He improved on the camera after realizing that the smaller the pinhole, the sharper the image (though the less light).

He provides the first clear description for construction of a camera obscura (Lat. dark chamber).

A pinhole camera is a camera without a lens and with a single small aperture – effectively a light-proof box with a small hole in one side. Light from a scene passes through this single point and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box.

The human eye in bright light acts similarly, as do cameras using small apertures.

Up to a certain point, the smaller the hole, the sharper the image, but the dimmer the projected image. Optimally, the size of the aperture should be 1/100 or less of the distance between it and the projected image.

In Later stages, these discoveries led to the invention of the camera obscura, and Ibn Al-Haytham built the first camera, a camera obscura or pinhole camera, in history. He went on to explain that we see objects upright and not upside-down, as the camera does, because of the connection of the optic nerve with the brain, which analyses and defines the image.
 During his practical experiments, Ibn Al-Haytham often used the term al-Bayt al-Muthim, which was translated into Latin as camera obscura, or dark, private or closed room or enclosed space. Camera is still used today, as is qamara in Arabic which still means a private or dark room.
Many of Ibn Al-Haytham’s works, especially his huge Book of Optics, were translated into Latin by the medieval scholar Gerard of Cremona. This has a profound impact on the 13th-century big thinkers like Roger Bacon and Witelo, and even on the 15th-century works of Leonardo da Vinci.

Today, the camera has gone from the humble beginnings of Ibn-Al-Haytham’s dark front room, the qamara, to become a sophisticated digital process, while the study of optics has blossomed into a whole science covering lasers, optical sectioning of the human retina and researching red bioluminescence in jelly fish.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Death :: A Realtiy everyone has to face

Death :: A Realtiy everyone has to face
Death is one of the few things in life certain to occur. This is a one hundred percent certainty.
Almighty Allah says in the Quran:Every soul is to taste death and then to Us you shall be returned.►[Surah Ankabut Chapter 29 : Verse 57]

Say: ‘The death from which you are fleeing is bound to catch up with you. Then you will be returned to (the Lord) Who knows the unseen and the seen. So He will inform you of what you used to do.’►(Surah al-Jumu‘a Chapter 62 : Verse 8)

After years of hard work, a student succeeds in entering the university, yet may die on the way to class. Or someone who has recently been hired for a job may lose his life on his first morning commute to his work. A traffic accident may end the lives of a newly married couple on their wedding day. A successful businessman may prefer to fly to save time, and his life may end in an unexpected way.

Leaving behind plans doomed to remain unfinished for all eternity, they head for a point of no return—and yet it is a destination they never planned for. Ironically, for years, they spent too much time detailing plans which would never be put into operation, yet never gave a thought to the one certain thing—death—that would happen.

How then should a man of wisdom and conscience establish his priorities? Does he have to make his plans for the one thing certain to happen?
for something unlikely to happen?

Some people give priority to goals which they can never be certain of accomplishing. No matter which phase of life they are passing through, they resolutely plan for a better and more fulfilling future.This tendency would be quite rational, if man was immortal. Yet the fact remains that all plans are doomed to that absolute end, called death.

Thus it is irrational to disregard death, which is certain to occur, and devote all one's attention to all those things which may or may not materialize.

Origin of the Life of Living Organisms from Water

Origin of the Life of Living Organisms from Water
Almighty Allah says in the Qur'an:
….And We originated (the life of) living organism (on earth) from water. So do they not accept faith (even after learning these facts brought forth by the Qur’an)?”►[Al-Qur’an Chapter 21 Surah Al-Ambiya:Verse 30].

■Only after advances have been made in science, do we now know that cytoplasm, the basic substance of the cell is made up of 80% water.
■Cytoplasm is basically the substance that fills the cell. It is a jelly-like material that is eighty percent water and usually clear in color. It is more like a viscous (thick) gel than a watery substance, but it liquefies when shaken or stirred. Cytoplasm, which can also be referred to as cytosol, means cell substance.
■This name is very fitting because cytoplasm is the substance of life that serves as a molecular soup in which all of the cell's organelles are suspended and held together by a fatty membrane. The cytoplasm is found inside the cell membrane, surrounding the nuclear envelope and the cytoplasmic organelles. []

■ Modern research has also revealed that most organisms consist of 50% to 90% water and that every living entity requires water for its existence.
■Was it possible 14 centuries ago for any human-being to guess that every living thing is made of water?
The following verse refers to the creation of animals from water:
And Allah has originated (chemical genesis of) every moving creature from water. So, some of them creep on their bellies, some walk on two feet and some others on four. Allah creates what He wills. Surely Allah has Absolute Power over everything.►[Al-Qur’aan Surah Noor 24: Verse 45]

The following verse refers to the creation of human beings from water:
“It is He Who has Created man from water: Then has He established Relationships of lineage And marriage: for thy Lord Has power (over all things).” ►[Chapter 25 Surah Furqan:Verse 54]

In todays world when science has made a remarkable progress it is much easier and logical for us to reflect upon the signs of ALLAH and find the Greatest Truth, to find the Creator Himself. The Question put in front of us at the end of v.[21:30] shakes the consciousness of all humans that even after knowing through scientific facts, will you not  then believe in ALLAH and His word ?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sunnah of Smiling

v  Sunnah of Smiling

Allah’s Messenger(Peace be upon him) said “Your smile before your brother is a sadaqah for you..."►{ Narrated by Tirmidhi}

Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Harith ibn Jazz(Radiyallahu Anhu) narrated.
“ I did not see anyone smiling more than Allah’s Messenger (Peace be upon him)”
►{Narrated by Tirmidhi}

Hazrat 'A'isha(Radiyallahu Anha) said, "I never saw the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, laugh until I could see his uvula. He used to smile, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.".....►{Al-Adab al-Mufrad Al-Bukhari by Imam Bukhari}

What psycologists says about effects of smile?
Psychologists say that Smiling is a great way to make our body to function better and to improve our health, stress level, and our attractiveness; they say that smile can give others more than any physical matter.

Therefore, they believe that Smiling is just one fun way to live longer and they give us some consequences of smiling:

·         People are drawn to those who smile as there is an attraction factor to cheerful people.

·         Smiling Helps us Stay Positive because When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!".

·         Smiling makes us Seem Successful because smiling people appear more confident.

·         Smiling boosts our Immune System because it helps the immune system to work better.

A genuine smile is charity. It dispels arrogance from your heart and pessimism from your outlook. It is also charity for others for the happiness and comfort that it brings them. However, the smile has to be real. A mechanical and forced smile will not do the trick.