Thursday, May 31, 2012

Muslim Inventions that shaped Modern Day World #1 Camera

v  Muslim Inventions that shaped Modern Day World #1 Camera

 The ancient Greeks thought our eyes emitted rays, like a laser, which enabled us to see. The first person to realise that light enters the eye, rather than leaving it, was the 10th-century Muslim mathematician, astronomer and physicist Ibn al-Haitham. He invented the first pin-hole camera after noticing the way light came through a hole in window shutters. The smaller the hole, the better the picture, he worked out, and set up the first Camera Obscura (from the Arab word qamara for a dark or private room). This idea laid the foundation of the present day Camera.

(965 in Basra - c. 1039 in Cairo ) 
Known in the West as Alhazen, Alhacen, or Alhazeni, Ibn al-Haytham was the first person to test hypotheses with verifiable experiments, developing the scientific method more than 200 years before European scholars learned of it—by reading his books.
He was also nicknamed Ptolemaeus Secundus ("Ptolemy the Second").
Ibn al-Haytham is regarded as the father of modern opticsfor his influential Book of Optics (Kitâb al-Manâzir ).

Like many eminent philosophers and mathematicians, Ibn Al-Haytham was a keen observer. While in a room one day he noticed light coming through a small hole made in the window shutters. It fell onto the wall opposite and it was the half-moon shape of the sun’s image during eclipses. He said: ‘The image of the sun at the time of the eclipse, unless it is total, demonstrates that when its light passes through a narrow, round hole and is cast on a place opposite to the hole it takes on the form of a moon-sickle.’

From his experiments, he explained that light travelled in a straight line and when the rays were reflected off a bright subject they passed through the small hole and did not scatter but crossed and reformed as an upside-down image on a flat white surface parallel to the hole. He then established that the smaller the hole, the clearer the picture.

His experimental conclusions were that when the sunlight reached and penetrated the hole, it made a conic shape at the meeting point with the pinhole, and later formed another conic shape in reverse to the first one on the opposite wall in the dark room.

‘Light issues in all directions opposite any body that is illuminated with any light [and of course, also opposite any self-luminous body]. Therefore when the eye is opposite a visible object and the object is illuminated with light of any sort, light comes to the surface of the eye from the light of the visible object.’ (10th-century Ibn al-Haytham from his ‘Book of Optics)

Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) wrote about naturally-occurring rudimentary pinhole cameras.

For example, light may travel through the slits of wicker baskets or the crossing of tree leaves.[1] (The circular dapples on a forest floor, actually pinhole images of the sun, can be seen to have a bite taken out of them during partial solar eclipses opposite to the position of the moon's actual occultation of the sun because of the inverting effect of pinhole lenses.)
Alhaitham published this idea in the "Book of Optics" in 1021 AD. He improved on the camera after realizing that the smaller the pinhole, the sharper the image (though the less light).

He provides the first clear description for construction of a camera obscura (Lat. dark chamber).

A pinhole camera is a camera without a lens and with a single small aperture – effectively a light-proof box with a small hole in one side. Light from a scene passes through this single point and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box.

The human eye in bright light acts similarly, as do cameras using small apertures.

Up to a certain point, the smaller the hole, the sharper the image, but the dimmer the projected image. Optimally, the size of the aperture should be 1/100 or less of the distance between it and the projected image.

In Later stages, these discoveries led to the invention of the camera obscura, and Ibn Al-Haytham built the first camera, a camera obscura or pinhole camera, in history. He went on to explain that we see objects upright and not upside-down, as the camera does, because of the connection of the optic nerve with the brain, which analyses and defines the image.
 During his practical experiments, Ibn Al-Haytham often used the term al-Bayt al-Muthim, which was translated into Latin as camera obscura, or dark, private or closed room or enclosed space. Camera is still used today, as is qamara in Arabic which still means a private or dark room.
Many of Ibn Al-Haytham’s works, especially his huge Book of Optics, were translated into Latin by the medieval scholar Gerard of Cremona. This has a profound impact on the 13th-century big thinkers like Roger Bacon and Witelo, and even on the 15th-century works of Leonardo da Vinci.

Today, the camera has gone from the humble beginnings of Ibn-Al-Haytham’s dark front room, the qamara, to become a sophisticated digital process, while the study of optics has blossomed into a whole science covering lasers, optical sectioning of the human retina and researching red bioluminescence in jelly fish.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Death :: A Realtiy everyone has to face

Death :: A Realtiy everyone has to face
Death is one of the few things in life certain to occur. This is a one hundred percent certainty.
Almighty Allah says in the Quran:Every soul is to taste death and then to Us you shall be returned.►[Surah Ankabut Chapter 29 : Verse 57]

Say: ‘The death from which you are fleeing is bound to catch up with you. Then you will be returned to (the Lord) Who knows the unseen and the seen. So He will inform you of what you used to do.’►(Surah al-Jumu‘a Chapter 62 : Verse 8)

After years of hard work, a student succeeds in entering the university, yet may die on the way to class. Or someone who has recently been hired for a job may lose his life on his first morning commute to his work. A traffic accident may end the lives of a newly married couple on their wedding day. A successful businessman may prefer to fly to save time, and his life may end in an unexpected way.

Leaving behind plans doomed to remain unfinished for all eternity, they head for a point of no return—and yet it is a destination they never planned for. Ironically, for years, they spent too much time detailing plans which would never be put into operation, yet never gave a thought to the one certain thing—death—that would happen.

How then should a man of wisdom and conscience establish his priorities? Does he have to make his plans for the one thing certain to happen?
for something unlikely to happen?

Some people give priority to goals which they can never be certain of accomplishing. No matter which phase of life they are passing through, they resolutely plan for a better and more fulfilling future.This tendency would be quite rational, if man was immortal. Yet the fact remains that all plans are doomed to that absolute end, called death.

Thus it is irrational to disregard death, which is certain to occur, and devote all one's attention to all those things which may or may not materialize.

Origin of the Life of Living Organisms from Water

Origin of the Life of Living Organisms from Water
Almighty Allah says in the Qur'an:
….And We originated (the life of) living organism (on earth) from water. So do they not accept faith (even after learning these facts brought forth by the Qur’an)?”►[Al-Qur’an Chapter 21 Surah Al-Ambiya:Verse 30].

■Only after advances have been made in science, do we now know that cytoplasm, the basic substance of the cell is made up of 80% water.
■Cytoplasm is basically the substance that fills the cell. It is a jelly-like material that is eighty percent water and usually clear in color. It is more like a viscous (thick) gel than a watery substance, but it liquefies when shaken or stirred. Cytoplasm, which can also be referred to as cytosol, means cell substance.
■This name is very fitting because cytoplasm is the substance of life that serves as a molecular soup in which all of the cell's organelles are suspended and held together by a fatty membrane. The cytoplasm is found inside the cell membrane, surrounding the nuclear envelope and the cytoplasmic organelles. []

■ Modern research has also revealed that most organisms consist of 50% to 90% water and that every living entity requires water for its existence.
■Was it possible 14 centuries ago for any human-being to guess that every living thing is made of water?
The following verse refers to the creation of animals from water:
And Allah has originated (chemical genesis of) every moving creature from water. So, some of them creep on their bellies, some walk on two feet and some others on four. Allah creates what He wills. Surely Allah has Absolute Power over everything.►[Al-Qur’aan Surah Noor 24: Verse 45]

The following verse refers to the creation of human beings from water:
“It is He Who has Created man from water: Then has He established Relationships of lineage And marriage: for thy Lord Has power (over all things).” ►[Chapter 25 Surah Furqan:Verse 54]

In todays world when science has made a remarkable progress it is much easier and logical for us to reflect upon the signs of ALLAH and find the Greatest Truth, to find the Creator Himself. The Question put in front of us at the end of v.[21:30] shakes the consciousness of all humans that even after knowing through scientific facts, will you not  then believe in ALLAH and His word ?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sunnah of Smiling

v  Sunnah of Smiling

Allah’s Messenger(Peace be upon him) said “Your smile before your brother is a sadaqah for you..."►{ Narrated by Tirmidhi}

Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Harith ibn Jazz(Radiyallahu Anhu) narrated.
“ I did not see anyone smiling more than Allah’s Messenger (Peace be upon him)”
►{Narrated by Tirmidhi}

Hazrat 'A'isha(Radiyallahu Anha) said, "I never saw the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, laugh until I could see his uvula. He used to smile, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.".....►{Al-Adab al-Mufrad Al-Bukhari by Imam Bukhari}

What psycologists says about effects of smile?
Psychologists say that Smiling is a great way to make our body to function better and to improve our health, stress level, and our attractiveness; they say that smile can give others more than any physical matter.

Therefore, they believe that Smiling is just one fun way to live longer and they give us some consequences of smiling:

·         People are drawn to those who smile as there is an attraction factor to cheerful people.

·         Smiling Helps us Stay Positive because When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!".

·         Smiling makes us Seem Successful because smiling people appear more confident.

·         Smiling boosts our Immune System because it helps the immune system to work better.

A genuine smile is charity. It dispels arrogance from your heart and pessimism from your outlook. It is also charity for others for the happiness and comfort that it brings them. However, the smile has to be real. A mechanical and forced smile will not do the trick.

Prohibition of Adultery and warning against it in Quran and Hadith

v  Prohibition of Adultery and warning against it

Almighty Allah says in Qur'an :
And do not draw near to shameful deeds (whether) open or hidden.►(Quran Chapter 6:Verse 151)

In a Hadith its narrated, "..... If fornication(adultery) should become widespread, you should realise that this has never happened without new diseases befalling the people which their PREVIOUS GENERATION NEVER SUFFERED....." ►{Narrated by Ibne Majah}

Report on AIDS by CNN
In the following article, we shall identify the last report about AIDS, the disease for which the scientist failed to find a treatment; they even failed to decrease its incidence, let us read………
In a report published by CNN, researchers announced that AIDS rate of incidence is increasing day after day. Despite the billions being paid, they failed to find an effective treatment for this disease until now. The Center for Disease Control and prevention CDC said that there are more infections of Human Immunodeficiency Viruse (HIV) between

Americans with rates higher than what used to be thought. Keeve Vinton, Manger of AIDS Dept at the center, had pointed out that about 56 thousand new cases were recorded last year, which means 40% increase
over previous estimations.

The center stated that there is likely a possibility of recording 40 thousand new case annually, however, estimates depended on limited data and less precise means.

The CDC is currently depending on new techniques that can determine the infection during five months, instead of depending on statistical models as before.

The diagnosis of HIV was taking years after catching the virus. This researcher said that having 56 thousand American stricken annually will necessarily set off the alarm and recall all of us to be awake and conscious.

The Chief of AIDS Medical Care Unit, Michael Weinstein, criticized the American administration saying that these numbers form bitter condemnation for how the US and CDC efforts had failed in preventing this disease. And he claimed Washington administration to customize two hundred million USD for the detection of ten million persons likely to
have the disease over the coming three years.
The CDC report says that there is more than a million American carrying HIV and that quarter of them are ignorant with their infection. It was published in the report that 53% of the new infections was among gays and bisexual people.

Americans of African origins represent 45% of the new infections and 25 thousand new infections yearly, which means that they are at higher risk of incidence by 7 folds compared to the white Americans. A report released on Tuesday had revealed that the severity of this disease prevalence in some areas of the US is similar to the epidemic prevalence in some areas of Africa. The report, prepared by the BlackAIDS Institute, and called "the Marginalized- Black Americans: forgotten minority in the International AIDS" aimed at publishing the awareness and remembering that the disease is still standing in the US and specifically among the Black people.

Dr. Antony Fod, the manager of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in a documentary film released by CNN lately about Black people in US that 5% of all Washington DC citizens are HIV carriers, which is equivalent to the rates in countries like Uganda and South Africa. The report had laid out a rule which states that if the Black American had made a country, they would have occupied a degree above Ethiopia (420 thousand to million and 300 thousand) and below Ivory Coast (750 thousand) in terms of numbers of HIV carriers.
How should we read this report as Muslims?
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, this is the reality that world lives today, as they have failed completely to find an effective treatment for AIDS which have killed millions despite the huge technical and scientific development they have.

They have taken preventive and awareness methods and continued research and study in their labs to find the effective vaccine and spend billions of dollars to control this killing disease, still the disease is continue to develop and the number of infected people increase day after day.

The Quran had treated this phenomenon with one direction throughout this verse:
"And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is a Fâhishah (i.e. anything that transgresses its limits: a great sin), and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allâh forgives him)" ►{Quran Surah Al Isra'a:32).

Let's contemplate how great is this call in which Allah, all praises to Him, similitude the fornication as great sin and the worst way the person can choose, the consequence was that the Muslims responded to this call and fortified themselves against this disease and other diseases.

Nowadays, the west, with its entire sophisticated means, is standing helpless in front of the AIDS phenomenon, why? Because it did not response to the divine call and choose the way of obscenity. Therefore, whatever precautions he made will not serve him in AIDS treatment unless it adheres to Allah's guidance and path, all praises to Him.
The science had verified the harms of these acts which prove that he is Allah's apostle; the Almighty who knows the most hidden secrets, this great God wants the best and happiness for us in the life and the hereafter.

We ask Allah, the Almighty to keep ourselves in right path and to gain more knowledge and act with it and to avoid us going astray,
"(And they submit:) ‘O our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have honoured us with guidance and grant us Mercy especially from Your Presence Truly You alone are the Great Bestower.►{Quran Surah Al Imran:8}.

Quran on Fingerprints

v  Quran on Fingerprints
 Everyone, including identical twins, has a unique fingerprint. In other words, people's identities are coded at their fingertips. This coding system may also be compared to the barcode system that is used today.

Fingerprints attain their final shape before birth and remain the same for a lifetime unless a permanent scar appears. That is why fingerprints are accepted as a very important proof of identity, exclusive to their owner. The science of fingerprints has been used as a non-erring identity determination method.

Does man think that We shall not assemble his bones?Why not, We are powerful to restore his very  FINGERTIPS.►{Surah Al – Qiyamah Chapter 75: Verse 3-4}

This emphasis on finger print has a very special meaning, this is because every one's finger print is unique to himself, every person who is alive or who has ever lived in this world, has a set of unique finger prints, that is why the finger prints are accepted as a very important identity exclusive to the owner, and it is used for this purpose around the World.
Scientific FACTS Discovered TODAY
•Finger prints are formed in the embryo at the fourth month, and remain fixed and distinct all along man’s life.
•Finger prints are a record of curvatures that arise due to the fusion between the epidermis with the dermis.
•These curvatures differ from one person to another, and they never match or correspond among all humans.
•Finger prints have become the best method to identify persons. In 858, the English Scientist, William Herschel, pointed out that finger prints differ with the difference of their holders, thus rendering them as distinctive feature evidence for each person.
•Physicians conducted wide anatomical studies on a large number of people of different nationalities and ages, and they were confronted with the scientific fact to which they bowed their heads, and in submission they testified that no one is ever able to make similar all finger prints scattering all over the universe not even among two persons.
•Here it is noticed that the verse speaks also of the recreation of all finger tips, and not only one. The word fingertips refer to all hand fingers. So shaping them again after being scattered all over the universe on Resurrection Day is a sign of Allah’s almighty power. This is but one side of Allah’s ability to resurrect people on Doomsday with their identifiable parts after annihilation.
Sign of Almighty Allah

•Therefore, it is not surprising that fingertips are one of Allah’s signs that contain the secret of His creation, and certify to the entity of the person without any confusion, thus becoming the most genuine testimony in this world and the Hereafter.

The finger print is also a demonstration of Allah’s greatness of shaping such lines on a very small space no more than few square centimeters.Is it not a wonderful scientific miracle in which the power of Allah the Almighty is evident ?

Praise be to Allah the Almighty Who says; “Soon will We show them our signs in the furthest horizons, and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth” ► { Quran 41: 53}

The Burning Sea mentioned in the Quran


v  The Burning Sea

Almighty Allah says in the Qur'an:
1.      By the Mount.
2.      And by the Book inscribed.
3.      And by the Book inscribed.
4.      And by the frequented House.
5.      And by the lofty roof.
6.      And by the BURNING SEA.
7.      Surely, the torment of your Lord is certainly to occur;
►{Surah Number 52: At-Tûr : Verse 1-7}

 A picture from the site of National Geographic for a part of the Hawaiian Island, as the fire merges with water. Neither the large quantity of water puts out the fire nor does the intensity of the fire evaporate the water. And this scene continues in a strange balance through thousands of years.
In the deep seas there are fractures where the molten fluid is leaking through it from the bottom of the earth. The modern science discovered these fissures where the molten lava is flowing out in the water for hundreds of meters that scene looks like a sea which is burning.
The burning sea became a reality as we can see the molten lava in the deep oceans and seas while flowing and heating the bottom of the oceans till it freezes to form the mountains in the seas and oceans which form the volcanic islands.
After the molten lava accumulates, the volcanic islands are formed.
Scientists confirm that at the bottom of all seas there are fissures where the molten lava are flowing out.
At the time of the descending of Qur'an no one knew that fact.Watch this video of burning sea :
We seek refuge from the punishment of Hellfire......... ‘O our Lord, grant us excellence in this world, and excellence in the Hereafter (as well), and save us from the torment of Hell.'►{Surah Number 2: Al-Baqara: Verse 201}

Moon Light is reflection of Sunlight

v Moon Light is reflection of Sunlight
It was believed by earlier civilizations that the moon emanates its own light. Science however now tells us that the light of the moon is reflected light.

• The light of the moon is actually a reflection of the light from the sun. So on a full moonlit night, we're actually getting sunlight that's bouncing off the moon.

However this fact was mentioned in the Qur’an 1,400 years ago in the following verse:
Most Blessed and Most Glorified is He Who made vast mansions of heavenly spheres (in the form of galaxies) in the heavenly cosmos and made (the sun) in it a (light-generating and heat-emitting) lamp and a shining moon (in the solar system).►{Chapter 25 Surah Furqan : Verse 61}

■In the above verse,the Arabic word for the sun in the Qur’an, is shams. It is also referred to as siraaj which means a ‘torch’ or as wahhaaj meaning ‘a blazing lamp’ . All descriptions are appropriate to the sun, since it generates intense heat and light by its internal combustion.

■The Arabic word for the moon is qamar and it is described in the Qur’an as muneer which is a body that gives noor i.e. reflected light. Again, the Qur’anic description matches perfectly with the true nature of the moon which does not give off light by itself and is an inactive body that reflects the light of the sun. Not once in the Qur’an, is the moon mentioned as siraaj, wahhaaj or diya nor the sun as noor or muneer.

■ Qur’an makes a clear distinction between the nature of sunlight and moonlight. The following verses relate to the nature of light from the sun and the moon .
He is the One Who has made the sun (a source of) light and (with that) made the moon shine, and appointed for it stages (to appear smaller or bigger) so that you might compute the number of years and the count (of time). Allah has not created (all this) but with a zero-defect strategy. (Through these cosmic realities) He expounds in detail the Signs (of His Creativity, Unicity and Might) for those who possess knowledge. ►{ Chapter 10 :Surah Yunus: Verse 5}
Do you not see that Allah has made seven heavens one upon another?
And He illuminated therein the moon and has made the sun as a lamp.
 ►{Chapter 71 Surah Nûh : Verse 15-16}


May Almighty Allah make us from those who contemplate on His Signs as mentioned in the following verse…Ameen!

And He is the One Who made the day and the night rotate after each other for him who desires to contemplate or intends to be grateful. (There is direction and guidance in these creative powers.)
►{Chapter 25 Surah Furqan : Verse 62}