v Sign of Lat Hour :Tall Buildings in Arab World
News of
Tall Buildings in Arab World
Tall Buildings in the
Arab World
Burj Al-Khalifa :: http://www.burjkhalifa.ae/
Arab princes try to outdo each other in building High Rises::
about the Competing poor people
§ Abu
Hurayra(Radiyallahu Anhu) reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless
him and grant him peace, said, "The Final Hour will not come until
people COMPETE WITH ONE ANOTHER in the height of their buildings."
►{Al-Adab al-Mufrad Al-Bukhari by Imam
§ In a hadith
narrated by Imam Bukhari Prophet(Peace be upon him) said, 'That the female
slave should give birth to her mistress, and you see poor,
naked, barefoot shepherds of sheep and goats competing in making tall
§ When you see naked
barefoot ones becoming the leaders of men, that is one of its signs. When the shepherds
of lambs compete in constructing tall buildings that is one of its signs.
►{Version Recorded by Imam
His words, "...shepherds of
sheep and goats competing in raising tall buildings" are thus narrated in
the hadith of 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him. What is meant is
that the least of the people will become their leaders with a great deal of
wealth, to such an extent that they will boastfully compete in a great deal of
building, and in decorating and bringing it to perfection.
In the hadith of Abu Hurairah, may
Allah be pleased with him, there is mention of three signs, of which there is
that naked barefoot people will be the top people, and of which
there is that the shepherds of sheep will compete in building.
Who are
these Poor people who would compete?
'Abdullah ibn 'Ata narrated this
hadith from 'Abdullah ibn Buraydah and he said in it,
"And that you see deaf, dumb,
blind, barefoot shepherds of sheep competing with each other in building as if
the kings of people."
He said, "So the man
[Jibril] stood up and left, and we asked,
'Messenger of Allah, who are these
you describe?"
He answered, "They are the
►{This is how this hadith is narrated
with these last words by 'Ali ibn Zayd from Yahya ibn Ya'mar from Ibn 'Umar.
As for the first wording it is in the
Sahih from the hadith of Abu Hurairah.}
of World being entrusted to wrong people
'Abdullah ibn 'Amr ascribed [to the
Prophet], "Truly of the signs of the Hour there is that the best will be
disparaged and the worst will be honoured."
►{ Sahih of al-Hakim}
In his words, "...competing
with each other in making tall buildings" there is proof that
it is blameworthy to compete boastfully, particularly in making tall buildings.
Building tall structures was not known in the time of the Prophet, may Allah
bless him and grant him peace, and his companions, may Allah be pleased with
them. On the contrary, their buildings were small according to necessity
The general nature of what is
mentioned in this hadith of the signs of the Hour is that affairs will be
entrusted to the wrong people, as the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant
him peace, said to the one who asked him about the Hour, "When the affair is
entrusted to the wrong people, then expect the Hour," because
when the barefoot naked shepherds of sheep and they are useless ignorant people
become the top people and owners of wealth and property to such an extent that
they compete with each other in building, then because of that the organisation
of the world and of the deen become corrupted.
If one who was impoverished and needy
is one of the top people he has become a king over people, whether his kingship
is universal or only in some particular things, and then he will hardly be able
to give people their due rights. On the contrary, he will prefer himself over
them because of the wealth he owns. One of the right-acting first generations
said, "That you should stretch out your hands to the mouth of the
serpent for him to gnaw it is better for you than for you to stretch it out to
the hand of a wealthy man who had undergone poverty."
If, along with that, he is useless
and ignorant then the deen will become corrupted by that, because he has no
desire to put people's deen right nor to teach them, on the contrary he desires
to collect wealth and store it as treasure and is totally unconcerned whether
people's deen becomes corrupt, nor [does he care about] whoever of his family
squanders basic necessities.
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